Create user groups
User groups are used to organise users and make it easier to give access to workspaces.
Groups in the contacts app
Groups are managed in the contacts app.
Adding groups
Click the + icon in the left hand side of the groups app to add a new group.
Note: The + icon only appears if you have the permission to add groups.
A dialog appears where you can specify a group title, a name and a description. You can also optionally upload a logo.
In the last form field, you specify the members of the group. Just start typing into the field and Quaive will propose a list of matching users.
Click Create to create the group.
Finding groups
Groups are listed in the left hand side of the contacts app. The listing shows groups first, then users. If you click a group, you see its members.
If you click the little blue info icon on the group name, you can inspect all information on that group, including description, who is admin of the group and the edit button if you are allowed to edit it.
Editing groups
Find your group, click the info icon and then the edit button that appears top right.
An edit form opens where you can change description, group admins, the logo and the members of the group.
Note: You cannot change the group title anymore. This is not possible because the group title is potentially connected to security settings within the site. If you need the group title to change, you need to create a new group and copy the members over.
Assign other group managers
In most organisations, groups are managed centrally by the IT department. Quaive allows you to use such groups, but it also allows you to create and manage them in a decentralised fashion by the users.
If a group forms to conduct some work in a workspace, staff members can create a group by themselves, add other people and assign that group to the workspace. From now own, management of that group is done by the creator of that group, independently of the IT department.
If the manager of that group leaves the company or is assigned other work, the manager can transfer ownership of the group simply by specifying another member in the group admin form field.
Save the form and the ownership is transferred. The new group manager can now maintain the group and its membership.