How can I edit the URL of a link object?
The URL of a link object is part of its metadata. You can access it by clicking the little downward pointing arrow in the top right corner of the link view.
Why don’t I see my news article?
A news article is only visible to other people if the following conditions are met:
- The status of the article is set to public
- The publication date has been reached.
- The expiration date has not been reached yet.
Check these three things and you will likely find the reason.
Why can’t people see the content of my public workspace?
Check the status of the content. If it is still private or pending, only moderators and owners can see it.
Even though a workspace is public, you might still want to be able to prepare your documents on your own and only make them available to others once they are really finished.
Is there a minimum image size?
Yes and no. You can upload small images but they will get adapted to the screen size of your users. People with large screens will see ridiculously pixeled images which look horrible.
In the contrary, the system is automatically able to down-scale very large images to sensible sizes and so you will always get good results with big images.
So if in doubt, always pick large images.
If you must know, you should use images that have at least 1200 px in width. The more the better.