Add users
Learn how to add and manage users in the system.
The Administrator tool
You can add and manage users using the Administrator tool, found under Apps.
Add users
To add a new user account, click the plus icon in the top right corner of the administrator tool. It opens a form where you can specify the username, first name, last name and email address. Once you click save, the user will receive a welcome email with a link to set the initial password.
Bulk upload of users
If you have many users at once to create, you can use the bulk upload from CSV option. Column names are mapped to field names, and the data is validated before users are created.
To use the bulk upload, visit the @@import-users browser view on the profiles folder in your site:
You can use this example csv file to get you started: Download example file
You can find a list of all supported columns on the @@import-users view.
If you check “Update details for existing users” existing user profiles are updated with the values provided in the csv file.
If you omit values in the password column, a password is auto-generated for new users, and the password of existing users will be kept.
Warning Don’t upload the example CSV into a production site without changing at least the passwords!
Locate an existing user
You can find existing users by browsing the user list or using the search bar on top of the user list.
You can also sort the user list by:
- alphabet
- state (active or deactivated)
- creation date
- last login date
Edit a user
To edit a user, click the user name. The user profile page opens, and if you have the right to edit, you will see an edit button in the top right corner.
Click the edit button to edit the user. Depending on your permissions, you will be able to edit some or all of the fields.
Enabled and disabled users
Users can be disabled, but not deleted. This is the case because users are connected to the content they have created over time. Deleting the users would make the content belong to nobody. Instead you can disable users and they will not show up in the system anymore as active members. But all mentions in connection with content - like the author of a document or comment - will still show that persons name.
- To disable a user, click the “Enabled” badge. A dialog appears and asks if you are sure. If you confirm, the user will be disabled.
- To enable a user, click the “Disabled” badge. You will also be asked if you are sure and given the confirmation, the user will be active again.
Disabled users cannot log in anymore and will not receive any notification emails.