L'application Bibliothèque permet aux utilisateurs d'accéder aux documents qui constituent la base de presque toutes les organisations. Des manuels du personnel aux règles de sécurité.
To a regular user, the Library app looks mainly the same as the library section. For users who have permission to accept or decline content contributions, the app will give access to more functionality.
The persmissions of the Library app are set by the system administrator in the Administrator tool app.
Creating or editing a library section
If you have sufficient permissions to create and edit library section, then you can find the options ‘Add a (sub) section’ and ‘Edit section properties’ under the more menu on the toolbar.
Should you want to create a section within another section, then browse to the section that needs sub section and select ‘Add a (sub) section’ from the more menu.
The fields for creating and editing a section are the same.
- Only groups can be chosen for maintenance. Not individuals.
- For a main section, the maintenance groups field is by default prefilled with the same user group(s) that is/are selected under ‘Full access’ in the section ‘Library’ of the app settings screen in Administrator tool app.
- There is always 1 group selected at minimum.
- Extra maintainer groups may be edit by users who are in a user group that is selected under ‘Create sections’ in the section ‘Library’ of the app settings screen in Administrator tool app.
- Groups from parent sections/folders are pre-populated in the auto suggest box.
- Groups inherited from parent sections/folders cannot be removed.
- When a you enter a search term, the list that appears is filled with matching group names. Smart groups, such a ‘All users’ are excluded. The list is initially populated by the most commonly chosen user groups.
- A minimum of 3 characters is required to show a result.
- Only groups can be chosen for visibility. Not individuals.
- The default for visiblity for main sections is the radio button ‘Visible to all users’.
- The option ‘Inherit from parent section’ is not available for main sections.
- The option ‘All users’ is not available sections which a descendant of a section that has visibility to specific user groups.
- When you select ‘Visible to specific user groups’, then you will find the auto suggest box prefilled only with user groups who may see the direct parent section. You can remove user groups from the box, but not add new ones who don’t already have access to the parent folder.
- The default for visiblity for sub sections/folders is the radio button ‘Inherit from parent section’.
- When you enter a search term, the auto suggest list is filled with matching group names. Smart groups, such as ‘All users’ are excluded.
- On a main section, all non-smart groups may be chosen.
- For sub sections/folders, groups that can also see parent sections will show up in the search result. The list is initially populated with the user groups that are not yet chosen or not anymore selected, but that are selected for the direct parent section.
- For a main section, the list is initially populated by the most commonly chosen user groups.
- A minimum of 3 characters is required to show a result.
Approving contributions to the library
The library is filled by allowing users to contribute documents from the workspaces they created their documents in, into a library section. A library section can be configured to automatically accept all contributions, or to let a section maintainer approve the contribution, before it becomes visible for everyone who has access to the library and that particular library section.
There are two tickboxes that control content contribution to a section.
- ‘Allow contributions from workspaces’: This box must be ticked for users to be able to contribute content for this section. The box is ticked by default and the settings not inherited by sub sections.
- ‘Automatically accept contributions from workspaces’: If this box is ticked then all contributions to this library section will become immediately visible in the library. When the box is not ticked, then a section maintainer will have to approve the contribution first.
If there are any documents waiting to be approved and you have sufficient privileges to do so, then these documents that are waiting for approval will be waiting for you in a sidebar on the left hand side. This sidebar is only visible in Library app, not in the Library homescreen tab.
When you click on one of the documents that are waiting for approval, then it will open on the right hand side of the screen.
Before you approve, you might want to check which destination section the contributor selected for this document. You can do that by clicking on the menu and select ‘Move this item’. A dialogue will appear that allows you to see where the document is going to appear in the library, or to select a different library section if desired.
Once you’re sure about the destination section for this document, you can click on ‘Publish’ and then the library copy of this document becomes visible to all users who have access to the selected library section.
Any updates to the document that users want to make after publication, will require re-approval. After the contributor clicks ‘Update library copy’, the document will become invisible in the library until the section maintainer re-approves.
The sidebar is opened by default if there are any documents waiting for your approval. In all other cases, the sidebar is closed by default.
The well that contains documents for approval is only included in the sidebar if there are documents that are waiting for approval.
Niveaux dʼautorisation
Basic | Full | |
View library items (access restrictions on individual sections are set in the respective section settings) | ✅ | ✅ |
Edit/delete any section | ✅ |